The mound turns into a carpet.

To place a textile on the ground, unfold it and by this gesture,
mark a delineated space.
It could be a tablecloth, a towel at the beach or a carpet in the
nature, the act of moving a piece of fabric and to install it where we are
illustrate the origianl nomadic aspect of carpets.
Therefore the carpet is bound to the tent in its mobile characteristic.
By this gesture, the space which we make our own tempoparly
changes status, it becomes private. This displacement is allowed by the
level change.
I designed
a carpet that presents three types of materials according to the different
spaces and activities that can be found in a habitat. I developed a threshold,
a central part and a comfortable part that surrounds the whole.
threshold is materialized by the rope. I am inspired by marine knots. The plait
is the second area of the rug. I think a flat surface to accommodate the
heart of the habitat. Natural and synthetic materials interlock here. By
alternating the size of the foam cylinders, as well as their density, I seek
maximum ergonomics for the seat. The colourful variations symbolize the
radiation of an activity turned towards the centre of the carpet, a privileged
space of gathering.

Development of a unique weave composed by 3 different qualities and integrating other kind of materials usually not used on looms. Colour research by dying and conception of a colour range for the weft Production of a 3 meters long sample, a carpet portion to demonstrate the principle and to develop the techniques. Model scales 1/10 and sketches.
Photos : Garance MaurerENSCI-Les Ateliers, 2018