garance maurer designer                        menu︎FR




A project realized in the frame of Collectif Trouble

The video installation which Collectif Trouble displays during the ecological week is a sensorial and multiperspective interpretation of a watershed of the Balaton region. After exploring the territory in April 2023, during Balatorium AiR II research, questioning the notion of invasiveness while stepping aside the modern binary distinctions between endemic & invasive species - Collectif Trouble opened its comprehension of invasiveness not only to plants or animals but also to human activities. Indeed, from the crest to the shore, those activities are fragmenting the landscape and circulations, heavily modifying the biodiversity and its dynamics. So called invasive species are known to affect localised ecosystems in similar ways, this being the reason why they usually enter this category. Concepts such as borders and limits, private properties and surveillance, artificialisation of shores and hybridity, globalization, mass tourism & extraction entered our research and became protagonists of our non-linear narration.

Members of the Collectif played with the landscape, bringing a versatile presence that oscillates between discreet and potentially harmful behaviours, expressing the ambiguity of the notion of invasiveness. These blurry wanderings through the landscape and the collected images and woven materials is a way to explore new ways of living on a damaged planet.

Project by Collectif Trouble (Jeanne Astrup-Chauvuax, Mathilde Dewavrin, Garance Maurer)
Project exhibited in:
+Lake Balaton Beach x ECOLOGICAL WEEKEND, European Capital of Culture Veszprém. August 2023

Dubniczay Palace, House of Arts, Veszprém.
Curated by Borbála Soós. October 2023

Balatorium AIR is organised by @pad_network for environmental justice and supported by @veszprembalaton2023 European Capital of Culture. Balatorium is a series of ecological cultural programmes initiated by the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture and PAD for environmental justice.
Project supported by Culture Moves Europe