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I finish this beautiful Mexican tour by working another ten days in the capital. It is then in Mexico City that from June 2 to 11, 2019, I will conclude this residency with the French Alliances of Mexico. The Alliance Française de Mexico City puts me in touch with the Vasconcelos Library where I have the chance to exhibit all the productions made during the last three months, as well as with a printing and engraving workshop, EL TIR. In addition, a team of architecture students from the UNAM is helping me with the scenography and the setting up of the exhibition.
It is finally the moment to compile all the experiences and to look at all the creations gathered for the first time. We decide to retrace the itinerary spatially in the hall of this immense and magnificent library. The seven travelling stops are like islands constituting an archipelago, each region has its own atmosphere and colors, its inhabitants (the collaborators) and its standards.
A final work of co-creation is set up with the artist Humberto Valdez, founder of the participatory printing workshop El TIR in Tlalpan to illustrate this last stage. With him, I once again explore the notion of warp and weft explored so many times during this trip. A linocut matrix is created, a grid (x,y) on which are superimposed colors, materials to deform, shimmer and reveal it in different ways. The images created are multiple and multipliable but very unique, as were all the encounters made in recent months.
Together with anthropologist Patricia Tovar, we retrace all the issues I raised during this residency in order to restore these questions in the exhibition and during a two-part conference on the day of the opening at the Vasconcelos Library.

Digital photos. Research notebook and sketches.
Restitution of the Ciudad de México stop, itself presented in the final exhibition :
- Une camino textil por México
Interwoven views
- a textile path through Mexico
presented at the Vasconcelos Library in Mexico City, from June 12 to July 12, 2019.
(to see the whole final exhibition, clic here)

Four engravings and museography of the exhibition at the Vasconcelos Library
Co-creators: Samantha Amador Estrella, Oscar A. Rojas Alvarado, Elisa Gomez Bustamantes, Maria Elena Camacho Lavin, Diana Ariadna Asomoza Solis, Ana Patricia Guzman Matrinez, Fernando Escobedo Pliego and Humberto Valdez
Thanks to Marc, Aurélien, Vanessa, Xavier and Pauline, Patricia, Humberto and those from El TIR as well as all the students from UNAM.
To find the whole exhibition MIRADAS (ENTRE)TEJIDAS : ︎introduction and final restitution
Explore the different steps :